Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Comes the month of February and love begins to spread in the air, as this is the month when we celebrate the Valentine's Day. This is a special day when we express our love for our partner and promise them a lifetime commitment.

Although the Valentine's day celebration is a modern concept, but it also has a historical importance that dates back to AD 269. In those times during the Roman empire the Saint Valentine of Rome and Saint Valentine of Terni sacrificed their lives and were declared martyrs. Since than this day has been named after them.

Earlier there was no romantic element associated with this day, it was only later that a romantic legend was co-related with it. According to legends the Roman emperor Claudius II ordered the young men to remain single. It was during this time the Saint Valentine went against the emperor's orders and performed secret marriage ceremonies of the young couples. Even after he was thrown in the jail, he refused to bow against the law and finally on 14 February he was given the death punishment. Since than this day got its romantic association.

During the 14th -16th century this day took an important place in the writings and poems of the great writers of that time. Writers like Chaucer, Shakespeare, Wordsworth, Elliot all talked about the Valentine and romance in their writings. With the slow passage of time this also changed.

With the modern times the concept of Valentine's day also changed. In today's world this day has been dedicated to the young lovers. On this day the couples spend together some romantic moments, buy each other gifts, plan a romantic getaway and also candle night dinners.

So go out and spend some romantic time with the one whom you love.