Thursday, February 24, 2011

Endangered Species In India

The climatic and geographical conditions of India make this country, a perfect destination for some really exciting and thrilling wild encounters. Since earlier times the dense forest of country were a home to a wide variety of animals and birds. But with the changing times and increasing poaching incidences most of these species have become rare sighted (or endangered).

The increasing human activities like excessive construction and illegal cutting of forests, have created a threat to the natural habitat of many animals. Along with it the illegal hunting of animals for their skin, tusks and flesh are also a major factor for this decline. As a result the rich biodiversity of India is depleting at a very fast pace, ultimately threating the rich Indian wild world.

So to overcome this critical situation the Indian Government has launched many projects like Project Tiger and Save Tiger Program to raise awareness about this issue. Along with it many national parks and wildlife reserves, were also constructed for the reservation of these animals and birds. Apart from these many other plans were also initiated towards this step. Even International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural resources (IUCN) in 2008 declared 172 species of animals and birds globally endangered. Therefore these days more and more environmentalists, wildlife activists, common man are getting associated with this initiation.

Here is a list comprising of Endangered Species in India:
Royal Bengal Tiger
Asiatic Lion
Asiatic Black Bear
Desert Cat
Great Indian Rhinoceros
Indian Elephant or Asian Elephant
Blue Whale
Capped Leaf Monkey
Fin Whale
Ganges River Dolphin
Indus River Dolphin
Red Panda
Snow Leopard

Along with them there are also some animals that are declared critically endangered. Few of them are as follows:
Jenkin's Shrew
Malabar Large Spotted Civet
Namdapha Flying Squirrel
Pygmy Hog
Salim Ali's Fruit Bat
Sumatran Rhinoceros
Wroughton's Free Tailed Bat

So come out and play your part in reserving these wild animals and birds and if you are interested in seeing them live, you can opt for a wildlife tours in India.